Colour therapy uses coloured light to treat disease and disorder and
to help restore good health. It is well known that human beings
respond to coloured light and are affected in different ways by rays
of various wavelengths. This even occurs in people who are blind, so
the human body is able to respond in subtle ways to electromagnetic
According to colour therapy, each individual receives and absorbs
electromagnetic radiation from the sun and emits it in a unique
'aura'. Aura or a pattern of colours that peculiar to each person is
believed could be recorded on film by photographic technique known as
Kirlian photography.
Colour therapy see disease and disorders by observing the aura
pictures, is it giving and distorted pattern or not. The aura itself
is focusing on spine part of the patient and then matches it with
eight colour spectrum that repeated in sequence from the top of the
spine to the base of the spine.
Treatment in colour therapy consists of shoot the body with coloured
light and the divided the light with main spectrum and complementary
one that is decided by the therapist. This therapy usually last for
about twenty minutes and continues for several weeks. The therapy
also uses colour in daily patient life, by encourage patient to use
particular colour in their clothes, home and furniture.
The therapy aims to restore the natural balance in the pattern of the
patient aura. Colour therapy may well aid healing, but there is no
scientific evidence to explain the way in which this therapy works.