Ayurvedic is a holistic approach to health care that popular in India
and also gaining an increasing number of followers in Western
Countries. This therapy emphasis on preventive measures to maintain
good health. In Ayurvedic philosophy, everything in life is held to
be controlled by three forces which are called Pitta, Vata and Kapha.
Ayurvedic medicine believed that good health results from the three
forces of pitta, vata and kapha being balanced and in harmony with one
another. Pitta is said to be like the sun, a great source of energy
and in control of all metabolic processes and body function. Vata
resembles the wind, which is a continual source of movement and
controls the workings of the brains and nervous system. Kapha is like
the moon and its tidal influences and controls the fluids of the body
and the growth and regeneration cells. Imbalance in any of the three
forces may arise as a result of stressful life events.
In Ayurvedic medicine, all disorders that need to prevent by the
therapy are grouped into four categories; here are the four categories
of disorders in Ayurvedic therapy:
1. Mental, covering disorders or symptoms with an emotional basis
especially the stronger feelings such as jealousy, fears and phobias,
hatred, rage and depression
2. Physical, covering most illnesses and internal disorders
3. Accidental, covering illnesses and disorders that caused by some
form of external trauma
4. Natural disorders, symptoms that particularly associated with certain ages
Treatment method in Ayurvedic uses a great variety of medicines that
derived from plant and mineral sources, meditation, yoga and other
exercises, water and steam baths, massage and specially planned diet.