A morning ritual for most Americans, coffee is a necessity for some people to start there day. The vast majority of adults in this country drink coffee at least once a day, and most of those drink at least two or three cups. Its steamy hot goodness is a staple in households, but what about its nutrition? How good is coffee for you? For years this question was answered with a "probably not very good." This has never been a very satisfying conclusion in the scientific community, and to rectify this several modern studies have been concerning coffee and its effects on the human body. The results of these studies have opened many eyes to the truth about coffee, and new information about its nutritional value may be very good news to coffee addicts around the globe.
One thing that isn't a surprise is that coffee is a great source of antioxidants. This has been a known fact for a while, and has been a source of good news for coffee lovers. Antioxidants are in incredibly high demand. They are substances that help to protect the body from free radicals, which are agents that attack the body and cause various forms of damage. This damage is most often seen as premature aging, but can also take the form of decreased energy levels and various forms of <a href="http://naturalremediesforcancer.blogspot.com/">cancer</a>. Antioxidants combat these to keep the body looking and feeling younger, and also protect the body against developing certain forms of <a href="http://naturalremediesforcancer.blogspot.com/">cancer</a>. Antioxidants also have many other effects that are not completely understood. As a rich source of antioxidants, coffee has also shown to reduce the likelihood of a person to develop type 2 diabetes. Scientists attribute this to coffee's high levels of antioxidants, and the fact that they can increase the body's sensitivity to insulin.
Obviously there is no debate as to how much caffeine coffee contains, and while this was, for the longest, considered coffee's biggest vice, new research is indicating that in fact it may be coffee's greatest asset! It would seem that the biggest benefit one can gain from the caffeine in coffee comes in the form of enhanced athletic performance. Studies that were performed on those who had been exercising showed that the caffeine in coffee helped to improve their stamina and overall performance. The reason behind this is thought to be that caffeine sends signals throughout the body to ignore certain levels of fatigue. – This allows a person to push themselves father for an extended period of time. In fact, compared with products that were marketed as athletic enhancers, coffee actually outperformed them! Whereas the other products only helped in a certain few areas, coffee proved to increase performance in nearly all areas! It seems that the most effective dosage is two cups, but a lot of people end up feeling a difference after just one. Caffeine is also thought to be responsible in helping to reduce a person's risk for developing Parkinson's disease. Several different studies involving Parkinson's and caffeine have shown that those who regularly consume coffee can reduce their risk for the disease by up to 80 percent!
There is no doubt that coffee is making big waves in the scientific community! As more research is done on this common beverage, the more we learn about its great benefits! Coffee is such a staple, and an addiction, in so many American lives, that for the longest there have been big questions on whether it's a national problem or a national wonder, and so far, nutritionists are learning that the benefits of this hot beverage far outweigh the risks
Saturday, August 15, 2009

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Benefit of Coffee for Health
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