Saturday, August 15, 2009

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is a form of therapy that seeks to teach the
patient to relax, thereby relieving stress. Autogenic therapy consist
of a series of basic exercises, such as lying flat on the back,
sitting in an armchair or sitting towards the edge of a chair with the
head bent forwards and the chin on the chest. The exercise also focus
on six basic concentration of training that includes:
1. Breathing and respiration
2. Heartbeat
3. forehead, to induce a feeling of coolness
4. lower abdomen and stomach, to induce a feeling of warmth
5. arms and legs, to induce a feeling of warmth
6. neck, shoulders, arms and legs, to induce feeling of heaviness

Several benefit of autogenic therapy could help people that feel under
stress without particular symptoms. Autogenic therapy also helped
overcome illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome, digestive disorders,
muscular aches and cramps, ulcers, headaches and high blood pressure.
Autogenic therapy also helped psychological illnesses such as anxiety,
fears, phobias and insomnia.

Autogenic therapy can benefit people of all age groups, although it is
considered that children under age of six may not be able to
understand the training.