A medical condition that affects the respiratory system, in turn
causing problems in the breathing activity, is termed as asthma. The
consequences or effects of asthma are the inflammation in the
bronchial tubes of lungs, and contraction of the muscles surrounding
them. As a result of muscle contraction, the mucus is produced in the
respiratory tract. It further deteriorates the situation by narrowing
the air passages. Asthma is a commonly found problem among the people
of all age groups.
<a href="">Natural Cures</a> for Asthma
There are two types of treatment used for asthma. One is the emergency
treatment that deals with asthma attacks. In this treatment,
bronchodilators are used to dilate the bronchioles, which in turn
helps to ease up the airflow. The second type of treatment is the
definitive treatment, in which steroids are used. Thus, to avoid the
usage of steroids, alternative or natural treatments are used to cure
The natural remedies recommended for asthma treatment are discussed below.
• Vegetables and Fruits: As per the different studies and researches,
the intake of fruits and vegetables minimize the risk of asthma in
adults as well as children. Garlic proves to be an excellent medicine
when consumed after boiling with milk. Ginger tea along with garlic is
also used in the treatment of asthma. Turmeric powder mixed with milk
is an effective medicine to treat asthma. Consumption of carrots and
tomatoes, along with leafy vegetables, is helpful to keep asthma at
• Buteyko: It is a breathing technique, developed by Konstantin
Pavlovich Buteyko of Russia. The patient who uses this method for the
treatment of asthma, follows shallow breathing exercises. The
objective or purpose behind using this technique is the generation of
carbon dioxide. CO2 helps dilate the smooth muscles present in the
respiratory system.
• Butterbur: It is a type of shrub, found in Asia, Europe and North
America. Petasin and isopetasin, the constituents found in this plant,
treat asthma by reducing the spasms in smooth muscles of the lungs.
The treatment also reduces the inflammatory effects of asthma.
• Omega Fatty Acids: These fatty acids play an important role in the
reduction of arachidonic acid. The arachidonic acid is a fat that is
responsible for the inflammatory effect of asthma. Ecosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the important omega-3
fatty acids that are used for the treatment. These are available in
the form of capsules in drug stores.
• Bromelain: It is a protease enzyme, which is extracted from
pineapples. Bromelain is known for its anti-inflammatory properties
and thus, is used for the treatment of asthma.
• Boswellia: A herb that is used in Ayurvedic medicines. Boswellia is
known to have an inhibitory effect on leukotrienes. The leukotriene is
a harmful compound. It is one of the factors causing asthma.
A natural remedy is often the best treatment for any kind of disease,
including asthma. Aside from being effective, natural asthma remedies
contain no harmful ingredients for the body. Because of this, more and
more asthma sufferers are shifting to the treatment of asthma remedies
from prescription medications.
Natural remedies is said to be effective in cases of moderate and mild
asthma. It is used by most individuals to control their symptoms as
well as outbreaks. Nevertheless, this remedy is still needs to be
discussed with professional doctors to ensure that it will be safe
from any complications on the existing medications that the person is
For assurance, it would be best to bring along emergency inhalers with
you at all times in cases of serious attacks.
Here are some of the common natural asthma remedies that most people use:
1. Fish oil products - this kind of remedy is used as an
anti-inflammatory product. It can be taken in capsule or liquid form.
However, be extra careful in taking this kind of remedy since it may
cause some severe and significant reactions in the body.
2. Magnesium Supplements - this natural remedy works great with the
body muscles when it comes to prevention of muscle tightening and
increase in relaxation within the air passage ways.
3. Antioxidants - this remedy of selenium, Vitamin E, green tea
supplements and other products helps minimize the free roots within
the body system. The free roots are the usual causes of coughs, colds
and other problems related to respiratory problems since it increases
4. Cloves, Thyme, Spearmint, Rosemary and Chamomile - this remedy
contains antioxidants that do not increase the relaxation of the
muscle but induces sleep. Mixtures of these remedies are now available
in most health food stores in forms of capsules, powders or teas.
5. Licorice and Ginseng - these herbs are often used in Asia for
natural asthma remedy. If taken consistently, it will work effectively
for the longest time.